Department Of Kriya Sareera

Department Of Kriya Sareera

From the earliest times, people have sought to understand the nature of life. We instinctively want to know how our bodies work, how we are born, how we grow and develop, what happens when we die etc. The Department of Kriya Sareera deals with such normal functioning of human body in detail. The underlying goal of Kriya Sareera is to explain the fundamental mechanisms that operate in a living organism and how they interact.

Besides satisfying a natural curiosity about how humans function, the study of Kriya Sareera is of central importance in medicine and related health sciences, as it underpins advances in our understanding of disease and our ability to treat it more effectively. The ability of a student to practice Ayurveda in future highly depends on his/her training in understanding Kriya Sareera.


Dr Bindu Mary Mathew MD(Ay)

Professor & HOD

Dr. Amrutha Elamon MD(Ay)

Assistant Professor