Department Of Agadatantra

Department Of Agadatantra

Department of Agadatantra ,Vaidyaratnam Ayurveda College Ollur is a full fledged actively functioning Department with regular and other activities beneficial to BAMS students and public, ranging from organising practical workshops on rare medicinal preparations ,awareness classes and clinical management.

The Department of Agadatantra of Vaidyaratnam Ayurveda College, Ollur was established in the the year 2000. It is well equipped with a smart practical class room with LCD projector, elegant Chairs with Writing Pad, a Library and Toxicology Museum. The library section facilitates inquisitive students to dive deep into the branch of toxicology as it contains rare collection of manuscript copies of Keraleeya visha chikitsa textbooks with other essential and rare copies of Vishachikitsa textbooks other than Malayalam for reference. Its toxicology museum is equipped with preserved specimens of toxic, anti toxic plants and poisonous and nonpoisonous creatures , toxic and antitoxic raw drug specimens, chemicals,acids and alkalies, 100 number of poison sets, 100 models of weapon sets,autopsy set along with sufficient and more charts and models .

Agadatantra is a clinical branch of Ayurveda dealing with diseases related to poisoning, bite and sting management, skin diseases,skin beauty and hair care.With the Outpatient and Inpatient treatment, here we effectively manage Sidhma(Psoriasis),Kitibham(Lichenplanus),Vicharchika(Eczema),Dadru,(Fungal infestations),Alopecia, Post bite ulcer management,Food poisoning Gara visha and Dushivishajanya manifestations, Insect bites etc.


Dr.Rejitha R Warrier MD(Ay)

Professor & HOD

Dr. Aravind S MD(Ay)

Associate Professor