Department Of Rasasasthra And Bhaishajyakalpana

Department Of Rasasasthra And Bhaishajyakalpana

Department of Rasasastra and Bhaishajyakalpana primarily deal with the Pharmaceutical aspects of Ayurveda. The activities of Department is compartmentalised in to three- Academy,Research and Pharmacy. The academic side mainly aim to create an in depth knowledge about the subject and make them confident to prepare medicines needed in their future clinical practice. Also Department is planning to make a bridge between academy and industrial aspects of Ayurveda for the mutual benefit. .Research activities chiefly contemplate on the development of novel formulations that are cost effective ,safe , and user friendly. Department own a Pharmacy producing quality medicines to meet the demand of our hospital.


Dr. Sajithkumar K P MD(Ay)

Associate Professor & HOD